Jamie & Charlie at the North Lakes hotel

Febuary 2020

Firstly I haven’t blogged for a bit as I have been 100% on social media platforms and getting to grips with a new site but I will be playing catch up with some new posts in the coming weeks. This wedding snuck in right before we went into lockdown and it was a real treat to photograph.

This is how a day of terrible weather turns into a really nice portfolio. We had so many emails back and forth, weather permitting we had some big plans. Big plans that will materialise this summer on a bright, sunny day in Ullswater. On the day we still managed a great portfolio thanks to the rejigged lighting at the North Lakes. I honestly think that it is one of the best lit venues in cumbria now where they have given some big considerations as to how it will photograph.

So starting at prep and getting as much detail as possible, I knew that I wanted to get a shot of the dress being buttoned up. It took a while to line the buttons up so I had a good amount of time to catch the nerves inside and outside the room in the bar. The ceremony was held in the Little Martindale suite which is great for intimate ceremonies. As ever the events coordinator Jen was in attendance to ensure everything went perfectly.

After the ceremony and drinks reception we had a chance to capture a few shots of Jamie and Charlie around the hotel. Jamie looked amazing and she photographed so well on the day. Charlie was up for all of my crazy ideas with the locations and i’m so happy that they were both so easy going. Thanks again both 🙂

The wedding of Del & Chris at the North Lakes Hotel, Penrith.

Many things dictate how you shoot a wedding day. Weather is one factor and also after a consultation with the couple to be photographed, what they want to get from the photography of their wedding day. Del and Chris were very happy to let me call the shots on their day and also to let me decide on the locations for photography at the hotel.

Working at the North Lakes means that because of its location, you are always trying to avoid photographs that have the nearby M6 in the background and there are two ways to do this. The first involves shooting in the traditional locations at the hotel and the second involves blurring it out to the point where it is invisible. After a recce of the hotel which is the home of one of my favorite wedding fairs held each January (one for the diary) I decided that there was more to the gardens than meets the eye. I set about on the day exploring some newer angles in some well trodden locations and to good effect.

During the group shots Elliot (Chris and Dels’ son) ran into a tree giving himself a rather nice shiner in the process, so we had to pause for ten mins while we got something cold to put on his cheek. This gave me time to move my kit inside to avoid the rain and I shot some very nice groups in the dining room instead. Sometimes compromise can be a blessing.

It was another outing for my new Magneflash though which performed admirably. The first dance was Islands by the Amazing XX and for a couple that are all about the music they listen to and the festivals they attend I thought that this was the perfect choice. Here we go, a beautiful wedding for an old friend that ensured that we were older friends by the end of it. Thankyou for allowing me to capture the events of your wedding day, It was epic!

Hairdressers on the morning before a wedding in lakeland
Just starting to get ready I met Fay and Del at the hairdressers to catch some early nerves.
friends getting ready for a wedding at the North Lakes.
Getting ready with some friends, Del didn’t really show any nerves. Loved the shot of her doing her lipstick in the mirror.
Blog about wedding photography at some of the best hotels in the Lake District. The North Lakes.
Dels’ dress was from the wedding Warehouse in Carlisle and looked amazing.
Nervous bride at the North Lakes Hotel in Penrith.
I think this is where I shifted into high gear as the room that Del was getting ready in was more of a meeting room than a nice bedroom. It was rather hard to take a bad picture of Del though.
Loving the flooring. Very executive wedding
The best thing about the room that Del got ready in was the floor… Very Tron.
Alternative wedding image at the North Lakes Hotel.
This is one of my favorite images of the year so far and is splashed all over my new flyers. It is very different.

After a mess about with the girls I decided to get ahead of them and head around to the room where the civil ceremony was to be held. With friends in the audience it was great to see so many smiling faces. There were a few children there too which is great as they are much easier to photograph than adults. I got a great shot of Elliot pre-tree bash too.

Amazing Harpist in Penrith photographer.
The amazingly talented harpist who was there to provide the entrance music for Del.
Page boy at a civil partnership in Penrith.
Elliot looked as nervous as Chris!
Photography of a wedding in Cumbrias Eden Valley
Fay, Dels’ bridesmaid looked lovely too and it was left to Ken to walk Del down the aisle. A really nice moment.
Marriages and weddings in Penrith are always fabulous.
We aren’t really allowed to shoot during a ceremony, but using a silent camera allowed me to grab this shot.
Funny moment during a wedding at the North Lakes.
Did someone say something funny?
Beautiful bride image taken in Penrith.
Yes Del has very cool tattoos. She also photographs really well too.
Luxury wedding photography in Cumbria and south west scotland.
The gardens are really nice at the North Lakes but you do have to hunt for good angles. This was taken by lying down on my side.
Funny wedding image taken at the North Lakes
Elliot is really funny. This was a result of me sticking my tongue out at him… Hilarious.
No sign of a road in this neck of the woods but a lovely group shot.
The haze behind is the rain heading in. I think that its rather effective.
Giggling bride on her wedding day.
These two always have a giggle.
Self picture of a bride and her friend
That will be on facebook in 20 seconds.
Wedding guests natural reportage images in the Lakes
Natural images are important too to tell the story of a wedding day.
Rock n roll bridal image
Had to produce something a little more Rock ‘n’ Roll for Del. This was shot right at the end of the daytime celebrations.

As the nights events started I arrived back after picking up some giant sparklers from a friend. These were to be used to create a beautiful night lit image of Del and Chris. They worked a treat as you will see below.

First dance to the beautiful Islands by the xx
An awesome first dance to the beautiful ‘Islands’ by the xx. I do photograph better when it is not Lone Star ‘amazed’ as the first dance.
Sparkler image of bride and groom.
I knocked the focus out intentionally here to create a softer image. What is testament to the the equipment I use is that this shot was lit only with sparklers!

Thanks again both, your wedding was amazing to cover and the fact that you were up for all of my mad ideas paid off in the end.

Lake District Wedding Photography Cumbria

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