weddings at Storrs hall
This I why I love what I do…

Spent a day helping Dave Draffan with logistics and extra filming at the awesome Storrs Hall (I am learning video) and the light had been really harsh all day but in the evening everything just came together. This is the benefit of shooting weddings as full days, the light just fell right as the sun dropped down over Windermere and it dropped slowly, almost like everything slowed down then everything around us went soft. I was asked by Dave if I could do a cover image for the DVD box and after a late night walk through the woods, this is what we produced. We used a Magneflash system fired off a nikon sb800 flash and Hahnel triggers to fire a soft light in the small pier house and bounced it off the back wall at a low power setting. For camera geeks It was exposed on a nikon D700 with an 85mm f1.8 lens at a 40th of a second handheld.

This is why I love what I do…