Katie and Callum at the Brantwood Coniston… The defiant ones.

I must admit, when the country went into lockdown around ninety percent of my weddings either moved to 2021 or 2022. Almost none cancelled and a few, just a few moved to the end of the year. Katie and Callum stayed firm on their September date and in doing so proved that you can still have a wedding day not too dissimilar to the days of old.

Katie and Callums day was amazing, the only wedding ever where I have shot grooms prep instead of brides prep. The reception was held a boat ride accross Coniston at Katies family farm, sat beautifully on a hillside overlooking the Lake. Coniston is virtually untouched, nothing like Windermere or Keswick and nestled half an hour from Ambleside. As such it feels a little more rugged, remote and utterly beautiful, surrounded by the baron faces of the Grey Friar fell and the beautiful Old Man. Its jaw dropping on a rain soaked day and at the end of Katie and Callums wedding day, in the twilight as the lights blinked into life, it was utterly silent as I returned to my car.

Although the temperature was quite high in early September, the feel was quite wintery and I love days that are autumnal with a bite in the air into the evening. The fire pits at the reception gave of plenty of heat and the first dance song choice was a beauty.I am restricted as to what I can show online from this wedding but anyone can see it in an album by attending next years wedding fairs.

So those who have moved their weddings have done so for all the right reasons, facilities at hotels, the general experience of everyone attending when staying at a larger venue. Most venues have a spa or pool where access is currently restricted and this is all part of the experience for guests… I completely understand this. For those who are still looking to get married in the winter months or into next year, there is something comforting in knowing that even if restrictions are still in place, you can have a day as intimate and incredible as this one. Katie and Callum were one of the only defiant couples and I thank them for an amazing experience and a rare 2020 portfolio.


The larger venues in the county are likely reeling with the changing numbers of guests that are allowed at each wedding, from ten up to thirty and now back down to fifteen. Then there are places like Brantwood, perfectly placed for small and intimate weddings. These venues are now coming into their own and maybe, just maybe the huge weddings of old will become rarer after restrictions ease. I feel for every supplier in the wedding industry, styled shoots are fun but there is nothing like the rush of a wedding day.

I know more photographers than I do wedding photographers and most wouldn’t dream of tackling a wedding. It’s a real skill to be a wedding photographer and even more so to be a good one, to do a day justice, to blow peoples minds with the images. I can only hope that next year we can crack on doing what we do, showing that there is no need to bring a travelling photographer with you to the Lakes. No photographer knows this place like us and I’m sure everyone who lives and shoots weddings in Cumbria is damned proud of our skills, heritage, knowledge and talent that we have. I also hope everyone is keeping well and not letting their kit go dusty.


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