Technically one of my home venues since I am from Carlisle originally.One of my first weddings was at Dalston Hall and I have both filmed and photographed quite a few weddings at Dalston Hall since. Since I last attended they have had a swanky new marquee fitted too which will increase the capacity of guests that the hall can hold.
Inside there is a mix of dark wood and white walls, some awesome chandeliers and beautiful furniture. It is really well lit in comparison to similar venues and there is plenty of room for group photographs in the lounge or on the stairs if the weather decides to turn.
Weddings can also be held outside in the spring and summer months as they have an awesome open topped bandstand to use for wedding ceremonies. photographers can have free reign at weddings outside here as there is
so much space to move around without disturbing or distracting the registrar.
There is a lot to like about Dalston Hall, weddings here are generally laid back and mostly photographers are left to their own devices by the planners. So, highlights! There are loads of great doorways and also some beautiful outside archways, one of which I used for one of my finalist images for the wedding photographer of the year.
There is a good amount of space inside, especially upstairs which has well lit corridors and beautiful banisters. Outside there are stacks of locations, some of which are used and abused by the mundane wedding photographers, photographing by numbers, but there is so much more to Dalston Hall than what the regular Wedding Photographers can produce. A great home venue.