I was a student in Lancaster a wee while ago (ahem!) and can always remember going for walks up to Ashton Memorial. It is the most incredible granite structure that you could come across and weddings here are a-m-a-z-i-n-g. The park is huge and if time is allowed there are tons of locations, more than you could count on ten hands. Wedding photographers in Lancashire are always harping on about the monument itself as opposed to the monument as a backdrop. What a fine backdrop it makes too, standing imposing, poking through the treetops above the Lancaster skyline.
Sooooo. Rather big news, in that my first successful submission to Rock ‘n’ Roll Bride, one of the most amazing blogs in the world was taken in 2014 at this very venue, followed up at the Holiday Inn Lancaster with a Mexican day of the dead theme. Some of the photographs will be mixed in amongst the gallery images above.
So, why get married here? Well… Fountains, wide open grassy spaces, an incredible and dramatic venue, beautiful views towards the southern Lake District over Morecambe Bay and beautiful tree lined paths covering a big expanse of woodland. Need any more?